Student Training Manuals
Pre-Written & ideal if you have no time to write your own!
At Beauty Industry Approval we want to make your accreditation process as simple as possible,
therefore, we have pre-written training manuals.
This means that you can use our training manuals for your courses in which you can create your own lesson plan around.
This will save you the stress and the time of creating your own manual.
Our training manuals include all relevant and required information
needed for each subject, including the following main content:
Course introduction
Learning objectives
Relevant Health and Safety regulations
Covid-19 guidelines for salon/training facility
Relevant Anatomy and Physiology
Professional Ethics and Standards of Practice
Client Records
Relevant contra-indications in detail
Relevant contra-actions in detail
Full consultation form example including contra-indications
Patch testing & Patch test form example
Treatment set up, products and equipment
Detailed step by step
Infills, top up and removal if relevant to treatment
Aftercare and home care advice
